Dear Parents,

We at The Village Therapy Place are so appreciative that you have chosen us to provide therapy services to your child.  We are committed to providing those services in the safest possible environment. We would like to outline for you the precautions and procedures we are following to minimize COVID-related exposure for our staff and clients:



  • If you, your child, or any member of your household is experiencing any symptoms of illness (such as headache, fatigue, fever, or cough), has had a direct exposure to someone with COVID-19, or is awaiting COVID-19 test results, please call to cancel & reschedule your in-person appointment or see if teletherapy would be a good temporary option.

  • If you have traveled outside of the immediate region (New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) please wait the expected 10-14 self-quarantine days before scheduling an in-person appointment at our facility, as per The State Of NJ & CDC guidelines. 

  • As our therapists will observe the same standards of caution, we ask for your understanding as we may have an occasional need to cancel, reschedule or temporarily offer teletherapy sessions.       

  • Patients will not be penalized for cancelling or missing appointments because they are ill or need to be in quarantine.

Entering the facility

  • In order to limit the number of people at the gym at one time, we ask that patients wait in their cars until 5 minutes prior to their appointment time.

  • We would like to limit attendance to those receiving treatment & 1 parent.  Please, no siblings at this time.

  • All adults & children over age 2 are required to wear a mask in our facility, unless it is medically or therapeutically contraindicated. If you do not have a mask for yourself or your child, we will provide one for you. 

  • All treatment materials and clinical spaces will be thoroughly sanitized between patients per CDC sanitation guidelines.

  • Therapists will direct & assist as necessary with proper hand sanitizing before & after each therapy session.

  • Social distancing will be maintained whenever possible, but parents should be aware that many therapeutic modalities require a hands-on approach.  Please discuss specific concerns with your therapist.


Whereas we believe that hands-on treatment is the most effective form of therapy for most children, virtual OT, PT, and Speech therapy sessions have been proven to be a valuable alternative to in-person therapy.  It allows children, who are unable to meet in person, to maintain a consistent treatment schedule.  This is critical for reaching therapeutic goals.

The Village Therapy Place Teletherapy plan includes:

  • Therapists e-mail parents the day before each session, outlining equipment needed for the session & session goals if appropriate.

  • Therapists provide feedback to parents as to how session went & home exercises to reinforce skills.   

  • Therapists are available to answer parents questions & concerns as they arise.

For best results one parent should be available for first & last 5 minutes of each session. 

We look forward to continuing to provide our patients and their families with high-quality care. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.