

While finger painting does involve some mess, it is an activity that can keep children of various ages, engaged & happy for longer than you might think! Kids are fascinated by the feel of the paint on their hands & the sight of the swirling, mixing colors.  It is creatively stimulating & emotionally calming, with endless variations.  If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, enjoy experiencing the sensations together with your child!

Here are some ideas for developing skills and adding some fun….

  • Paint little hands and make handprints…or paint little feet and make footprints.

  • Sing “The Wheels on The Bus” and “act out” the actions in the paint -round & round; up & down; swish, swish, swish etc.

  • Experiment with moving objects through the paint, like a toy car, a fork, string, bubble wrap or coins to see the different tracks they leave. 

  • Put dabs of different colored paint on a paper & fold it in half…see the symmetrical design that is created when you unfold the paper.

  • Explore using different parts of your hand to paint…

·       Write shapes and letters in the paint using one finger

·       Smooth or “chop” the paint with the sides of your hand

·       Make dots by just using your fingertips

·       Put your hands flat on the paint and spread your fingers and then bring them back together.

To minimize the mess…work on a large plastic tablecloth that you can just roll up and toss, use bathtub finger paint soap, or manipulate the paint in a sealed Ziploc bag. Keep water and paper towels close by.


About Us: 

We, at The Village Therapy Place, located in Bergen County- in Wyckoff, NJ, aim to provide integrative, neurodevelopmental, individualized, pediatric therapy in a warm, fun, and collaborative environment. 

We offer pediatric services that include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, feeding therapy, and DIR Floortime.  

 At The Village Therapy Place, we utilize current and evidence-based treatment techniques to help treat your child during his PT, OT, speech therapy, feeding therapy and DIR Floortime session. These include sensory integration, reflex integration, therapeutic listening, Kinesiotape, craniosacral therapy, NDT, BrainGym, feeding therapy, PROMPT, to name a few. 

Our expert pediatric therapists offer a variety of treatment options, including 30/45/60 minute sessions, group classes and virtual therapy to best suit a child’s needs. 

 The pediatric physical therapists, occupational therapists & speech therapists at The Village Therapy Place are in constant contact with a child's caregivers to facilitate lasting change. 

Call us today at (201) 201-8220 or email us at to speak with a pediatric expert who truly cares! 

Debbie Horowitz