Tuesday Tidbit: Create Opportunities!

Introducing The Village Therapy Place’s “Therapeutic Tuesday Tidbit” with immediate take-home advice to implement straight away!

Authored by Elise Weinstein, M.S., CCC-SLP, Speech Therapist at The Village Therapy Place

Create Opportunities!


Wondering how to get your child to use their words more?

Does your toddler gesture and point more than speak?


Here’s an easy way to help- create more opportunities for your child to speak!

Offer your child his yogurt…but conveniently forget the spoon.

Put on just one shoe…and wait for her to ask for the other.

Give your child a bowl at snack time…but leave it empty.

Put baby in for her nap…but leave the blanket on the other side of the room.


Wait for your child to communicate and ask for the “forgotten” item, and provide it as soon as he uses his words. If your child does not yet use words, accept any form of vocalization, and model the correct word. By not automatically giving your child everything he needs for an activity, you are creating opportunities that demand that he initiate communication.


Stay tuned next week for another Tuesday Tidbit 😊

About Us: 

We, at The Village Therapy Place, located in Bergen County- in Wyckoff, NJ, aim to provide integrative, neurodevelopmental, individualized, pediatric therapy in a warm, fun, and collaborative environment. 

We offer pediatric services that include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, feeding therapy, and DIR Floortime.  

 At The Village Therapy Place, we utilize current and evidence-based treatment techniques to help treat your child during his PT, OT, speech therapy, feeding therapy and DIR Floortime session. These include sensory integration, reflex integration, therapeutic listening, Kinesiotape, craniosacral therapy, NDT, BrainGym, feeding therapy, PROMPT, to name a few. 

Our expert pediatric therapists offer a variety of treatment options, including 30/45/60 minute sessions, group classes and virtual therapy to best suit a child’s needs. 

 The pediatric physical therapists, occupational therapists & speech therapists at The Village Therapy Place are in constant contact with a child's caregivers to facilitate lasting change. 

Call us today at (201) 201-8220 or email us at office@thevillagetherapyplace.com to speak with a pediatric expert who truly cares!