Tuesday Tidbit: Stuttering- Will He Outgrow It?!

Authored By Elise Weinstein, M.C. CCC-SLP, Speech Therapist at The Village Therapy Place

Knowing whether to take a “wait-and-see” approach or to begin intervention can be really challenging for parents of children who stutter.

The Stuttering Foundation has complied a list of “Risk Factors” to help parents determine whether or not to seek intervention from a speech-language pathologist.

The 6 factors that put children at risk for stuttering are:

1) Family History- Children who have a family history of stuttering are more likely to continue stuttering. Almost half of children who stutter have a family member who stutters as well.

2) Age Stuttering Began- Children who begin stuttering before age 3½ are more likely to stop stuttering without intervention as compared with children who begin stuttering later.

3) Length of Time Stuttering- Children who have been stuttering for more than six months are less likely to stop on their own without intervention.

4) Gender- Girls are more likely to stop stuttering. There are 3-4x more boys who stutter than girls.

5) Speech- Children who have speech/articulation errors are more likely to continue stuttering than children who speak clearly.

6) Language- Children who exhibit advanced language OR delayed/disordered language skills are both more likely to continue stuttering than children with average language skills.

Have questions about your child’s fluency/stuttering behaviors?

Reach out to The Village Therapy Place at (201) 201-8220 and set up a consult evaluation. One of our qualified speech-language pathologists can evaluate your child and help you determine the next steps.

For more information, view the Stuttering Foundation’s chart and explanations here: https://www.stutteringhelp.org/risk-factors

About Us: 

We, at The Village Therapy Place, located in Bergen County- in Wyckoff, NJ, aim to provide integrative, neurodevelopmental, individualized, pediatric therapy in a warm, fun, and collaborative environment. 

We offer pediatric services that include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, feeding therapy, and DIR Floortime.  

 At The Village Therapy Place, we utilize current and evidence-based treatment techniques to help treat your child during his PT, OT, speech therapy, feeding therapy and DIR Floortime session. These include sensory integration, reflex integration, therapeutic listening, Kinesiotape, craniosacral therapy, NDT, BrainGym, feeding therapy, PROMPT, to name a few. 

Our expert pediatric therapists offer a variety of treatment options, including 30/45/60 minute sessions, group classes and virtual therapy to best suit a child’s needs. 

 The pediatric physical therapists, occupational therapists & speech therapists at The Village Therapy Place are in constant contact with a child's caregivers to facilitate lasting change. 

Call us today at (201) 201-8220 or email us at office@thevillagetherapyplace.com to speak with a pediatric expert who truly cares!